Thursday, 22 September 2011

Battery Researchers Look To Seaweed

I have heard of people eating seaweed, but now it seems that it might be used in Lithium ion Batteries as a new binder material. Take a read here.


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Accutronics Stock the Inspired Energy PH2059 and Accessories

Accutronics now stock the new PH2059 Lithium Ion Smart Battery from Inspired Energy. This 28.8V 2.9Ah battery is part of the 'Power Series' from Inspired Energy that uses a mixed D type connector allowing both power and communication in the same connector block.

As well as being capable of sliding into a device cavity the PH2059 is the first battery from Inspired Energy to feature threaded inserts so it can be bolted to a chassis if required. As with many other batteries from Inspired Energy the PH2059 includes a 5-bar visual state of charge indicator so you can easily see how much charge is in the battery in 20% increments.

As the PH2059 is <100Wh and has passed the UNT1-T8 tests it is excepted from Dangerous Goods shipping regulation which means that transportation is more simple and less costly than units which exceed >100Wh. 

As well as the PH2059 battery, Accutronics also stock the PH4000 charger and a range of accessories including a PCB mount connector, a wired connector and a wired connector complete with shell & mounting hardware - all of which make it easier to get the PH2059 designed into your next device.

If you need additional information please visit the Accutronics website or feel free to email me directly.

Neil Oliver
Technical Marketing Manager