~ Akkuhersteller sorgt auf medizinischem Markt für Aufsehen ~
Der in Großbritannien ansässige Akkuhersteller Accutronics wird im Herbst dieses Jahres mit der Einführung seiner neuen Akkuserie auf der COMPAMED in Düsseldorf im medizinischen Bereich neue Impulse setzen. Die CMX-Serie wird bei einer Pressekonferenz auf der COMAPMED, der internationalen Fachmesse für medizinische Hightech-Lösungen, am 12. November 2014 um 15:00 Uhr in Raum 801b bei Messehalle 8b, präsentiert.
Auf dem sich schnell verändernden medizinischen Markt stehen Entwicklungen wie Portabilität und Einsatz von Geräten ohne Netzstrom durch Ärzte und Notdienste derzeit im Mittelpunkt.
Die COMPAMED, die führenden Fachmesse der medizinischen Branche, ist der passende Ort für die Einführung der CMX-Serie. In zwei Messehallen mit insgesamt 10.000 m² Standfläche werden 700 Aussteller aus 40 Ländern vertreten sein. Die Veranstaltung deckt das komplette Spektrum von medizinischen Produkten ab, von Design und Entwicklung bis hin zur Herstellung und Wartung. Besucher können auf der Messe mit Produktionsleitern, Ingenieuren, Konstrukteuren, Forschungsmitarbeitern und führenden Persönlichkeiten aus der Branche zusammentreffen.
Accutronics stellt in Haupthalle 8b auf Stand F30 aus. Das in Großbritannien ansässige Unternehmen spezialisiert sich auf Entwurf, Entwicklung und Herstellung von intelligenten Akkus für Branchen wie Medizin, Verteidigung, Industrie sowie den Markt der portablen Handheld-Geräte.
„So viel sei verraten: Die neue CMX-Serie vereint hohe Spannung, hohe Leistung und intelligente Akkufunktionen in einem Paket, das über die strengen behördlichen Anforderungen hinausgeht, die an für medizinische Geräte bestimmte Akkus gestellt werden,“ erklärte Rob Phillips, Managing Director von Accutronics. „Der Markt der medizinischen Geräte verzeichnet zurzeit ein rasantes Wachstum und die CMX-Serie bietet enorme Möglichkeiten für OEMs, die Geräte für lebenskritische Anwendungen entwickeln.“
Die Einführung wird bei Erstausrüstern (OEMs) im medizinischen Bereich auf großes Interesse stoßen. Accutronics hat in der Vergangenheit bereits ähnlich innovative neue Produkte für diesen Markt präsentiert. Hierzu gehörten u. a. ein kreditkartengroßer Akku für portable medizinische Handheld-Geräte und ein Multi-Akkusystem zur Stromversorgung von medizinischen Gerätewagen. Alle Produkte sind Teil zur anpassbaren Entellion-Serie, die auch algorithmenbasierte Sicherheitsfunktionen bietet, um die Verwendung unautorisierter Nachahmer-Akkus zu verhindern.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Sichere CMX-Serie bald verfügbar
Monday, 1 September 2014
FAA approves lithium-ion batteries for A350 Airbus aircraft
Excellent news from Airbus - they have approval from the FAA to use Lithium Ion batteries on their A350 aircraft. There was concern that the incidents experienced by Boeing would forever prevent Airbus from moving forward with the modernisation of their aircraft battery platforms.
Read the article in ESP here...
Neil Oliver
The weight and power advantages of Lithium ion batteries in aircraft are so huge compared with traditional Nickel based technologies that this is the only sensible way forward. It looks like Airbus have learnt the lessons from Boeing and can always revert back to Nickel Cadmium if they really have to - but I don't see that being a problem if they have they have done their homework...
Read the article in ESP here...
Neil Oliver
Secure CMX coming soon
~ Battery firm set to make waves in the medical market ~
UK based battery firm Accutronics is set to vitalise the medical market this autumn when it launches its next range of batteries at COMPAMED in Dusseldorf. The CMX series will be launched at a press conference at COMPAMED, the international trade fair for high tech medical solutions on the 12th of November 2014 at 3pm in Room 801b just off hall 8b.
The medical market is currently undergoing rapid evolution with the likes of portability and freedom from AC power taking centre stage for doctors and emergency services.
COMPAMED is a fitting location for the CMX launch; a leading trade fair for the medical industry, it hosts 700 exhibitors from 40 countries in two exhibition halls taking up 10,000sqm of floor space. The event covers the complete spectrum of medical products, from design and development to manufacturing and servicing. Visitors can expect to network with fellow production managers, engineers, designers, researchers and business leaders from across the sector.
Accutronics will be exhibiting in the main hall 8b on stand F30. The UK based battery firm specialises in the design, development and manufacture of smart batteries for industries ranging from medical, defence, industrial and for the portable, handheld market.
"Without giving too much away, the CMX series launch brings together high voltage, high power and smart battery functionality in a package that exceeds the strict regulatory requirements for batteries used in medical devices," said Rob Phillips, managing director of Accutronics. "The medical device market is currently undergoing rapid growth and the CMX series offers tremendous opportunities for OEMs developing devices for life critical applications."
The launch will spark interest from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the medical sector, which is already familiar with similarly innovative launches from Accutronics in the past. Previous products include a credit card sized battery for handheld portable medical devices and a multi-battery system for powering medical carts. All are part of the customisable Entellion range, which also offers algorithmic security to prevent the use of unauthorised, copycat batteries.
UK based battery firm Accutronics is set to vitalise the medical market this autumn when it launches its next range of batteries at COMPAMED in Dusseldorf. The CMX series will be launched at a press conference at COMPAMED, the international trade fair for high tech medical solutions on the 12th of November 2014 at 3pm in Room 801b just off hall 8b.

COMPAMED is a fitting location for the CMX launch; a leading trade fair for the medical industry, it hosts 700 exhibitors from 40 countries in two exhibition halls taking up 10,000sqm of floor space. The event covers the complete spectrum of medical products, from design and development to manufacturing and servicing. Visitors can expect to network with fellow production managers, engineers, designers, researchers and business leaders from across the sector.
Accutronics will be exhibiting in the main hall 8b on stand F30. The UK based battery firm specialises in the design, development and manufacture of smart batteries for industries ranging from medical, defence, industrial and for the portable, handheld market.
"Without giving too much away, the CMX series launch brings together high voltage, high power and smart battery functionality in a package that exceeds the strict regulatory requirements for batteries used in medical devices," said Rob Phillips, managing director of Accutronics. "The medical device market is currently undergoing rapid growth and the CMX series offers tremendous opportunities for OEMs developing devices for life critical applications."
The launch will spark interest from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the medical sector, which is already familiar with similarly innovative launches from Accutronics in the past. Previous products include a credit card sized battery for handheld portable medical devices and a multi-battery system for powering medical carts. All are part of the customisable Entellion range, which also offers algorithmic security to prevent the use of unauthorised, copycat batteries.
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